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Get clear on what it is you want your life to look like, and build a business to support that vision

The way we run a business has changed. The blending of home and work is more important than ever before. How we live in this world has changed, and what’s available to us has changed. And it’s for this reason you need to be more intentional about designing a business that works for you.

What does that actually mean? I’m not talking about an idealistic vision that won’t apply to real people. What I’m talking about is intention, design and strategy. And all of that begins with one thing - clarity.

In this episode, I help you get clear on what you want out of your life and what your personal priorities are. You can’t build a business that works for you personally if you don’t know what you want.

I explain how I structure my business to work in with my family, and how this planning needs to account for and involve your partner (if relevant).

There is no one right way to do this. It’s about you figuring out how your business fits within your desires, your life and your priorities.

I step you through the three parts that will help you to unpack what it is that you want out of your life:

  1. Understanding the kind of life you want to live overall.

  2. Map out what you want to achieve in the next 2-5 years and determine how your business model supports those goals

  3. Zoom in to understand what you want to achieve in the next 12 months, and the changes you need to make to achieve those.

Boss - your business model can be designed. This is the first step in the process - getting clear on what you actually want your life to be. I encourage you to mark out time in your calendar to do this work. Trust me, when you get clear on what it is you want your life to look like, from there you can build a plan and strategy to have a business model that supports you.

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The way we run a business, it's changed. The blending of home and work is more important than ever before. How we live in this world has changed, and what's available to us has changed. And it's for this reason, you need to be more intentional about designing a business that works for you. But what does that even mean? I'm not talking about an idealistic vision that won't apply to real people. What I'm talking about here is intention, clarity, design, and strategy. But all that begins with one thing, clarity. And so in this conversation, I'm helping you get clear on what it is that you want out of your life. What are your personal priorities? Because you can't build a business that works for you personally, if you don't know what that personally piece is. Are you ready? Let's go.


You're listening to the Run Your Business Like a Boss podcast. Hello, and welcome. I'm Kristy Robinson, your host I'm here to advocate for you the business owner, his knee deep in the messy middle. If you're tired of feeling stretched, overworked and overwhelmed, you're in the right place. My goal is to help you streamline systemize and create a strategy that enables you to step from stressed out worker to the boss of your business. Now let's dive into today's episode.


Hello Boss, and welcome back to the Run Your Business Like a Boss podcast. This conversation is such a beautiful extension of what we were speaking about last week, which of course, was building a vision board for both your life and your business. And you might even be wondering, hey Christie, wouldn't it have made more sense to have this conversation first? Well, that's a very valid question. And let me tell you, I put a lot of thought into it. And toed and froed, as to which came first the chicken or the egg. And what I decided is that by going through the process of building a vision board, which I think is a very creative and tactile modality, it would get you already primed and ready for thinking about your personal life or your personal vision. And so this conversation will give you a little more of a deep dive into how to figure out your key priorities, as well as thinking about what is your ideal life that you wish to live. So whether you've done the vision board, or whether you haven't, I think that both conversations are very complementary.


Now, I'm going to step you through three parts to helping you to unpack what it is that you want out of your life. But before I dive in, I'd love to remind you that the doors to the Run your Business like a Boss Academy cohort number three are opening next month. That's right, February. So this is a 16 week small group coaching program that will help you to redesign your business model to not only support business growth and sustainability, but also to help you to align your business model to what it is that you want out of your life. So if you are keen to be part of this program, I would love to be able to support you and to work with you. So go and grab the link out of the show notes and join the waitlist today. Now the reason why you want to join the waitlist is because numbers are strictly limited. And once all the seats are taken, the doors will be closed, I will be pre launching to the waitlist. So by joining the waitlist, it means that you will be the first to hear when I am taking enrollments for cohort number three. So go check out the program, have a look at all the things that are on offer and what's available to you via this container. And I would love for you to consider being part of this first round for 2023.


Okay, so onto today's conversation. As I promised, we're going to be talking about three aspects to help you to understand the life that you want to live and the priorities that you want to have. So the first step is that I want you to start to zoom out. And this is more of a macro view on the type of life and the things that are important to you. Now if you have a partner, then I suggest that you spend some time talking to them about this because chances are that you want to have a shared view with what they're thinking. Now how this works for me is that my husband and I have differing roles in our family. So at this point in time he is working full time and works quite long hours. And that means that for me I am doing a lot of the extra stuff with the children so I get them ready for school in the morning. I Help to take them to all of their activities in the afternoon, and really do the heavy lifting when it comes to the family side, and he does the, you know, the full traditional work. So how that impacts my business is that I've been very open and transparent around the fact that I work five days a week, but only in school hours. And knowing that that is how I want to run my business means that maybe sometimes I need to go a little slower in some parts of my business, and that I have to make sure that I am operating within those parameters. So that means when I'm booking in my private coaching calls, that they're all done in school hours, it also means I have to be really clear on the outset of what I am releasing and launching and delivering to the world. So that is just the overall view of what it is that we want.


So for you, it could be all sorts of things, it could be that you've had some health problems, and that you want to have a business that maybe is able to accommodate that. Or maybe it's that you are very keen to juggle off a personal priority in terms of being able to volunteer your time. Or maybe it's that you have creative endeavors that you want to pursue in addition to your business, or maybe it's that you're aggressively building your business very quickly, and that you're going all in with the view that in five years time that you're going to sell your business, right. So there is absolutely no one right way to do this. It is actually about you figuring out where your business fits within your desires for your life, as well as your key priorities. So if looking after your health, and well being means that you want to get to the gym, or you want to, you know, be cooking and making healthy food or that you want to have a lot of downtime, so that you're not bringing in undue stress into your life, well, then having a business model that supports that is key.


So the first step is really about understanding overall, what kind of life that you want to live, and what are the key priorities that make up that ideal life that you want to live. The second thing is we're going to zoom back in a little bit. So that's kind of more of an overarching theme for your life if you like. And just remember, this doesn't have to be set in stone, you can set this vision and then maybe your circumstances change and your reality has changed, and therefore you need to change it. But this is a high level of what you think you want your life to look like as of today.


Now, if we zoom back in a little bit to the next, say, two to three years, what are the big things that you foresee happening over this next timeframe? So what I mean by this is that, for me personally, I have my daughter who is going into high school in 2024. And you might be thinking, well, you know, she's going into high school, surely that means that, you know, you'll have more time. But I'm not really envisaging that for the first six months, because there will be a settling in period, she's going to a school where none of her school friends are going to, there'll be a certain level of unsettlement that will happen for her. And I want to be there to ensure that I can help her through that. So I'm already thinking about the first half of 2024. And what do I need to do in 2023? In my business, to be able to support me being able to support her in 2024, if that makes sense. So I use that example. Because I want you to be thinking of that kind of detail. It could be that you're thinking, Okay, I'm going to start a family in 2024. What do I need to do in 2023? To set my business up so I can go on maternity or paternity leave? It could be that you're thinking right I'm gonna go on live abroad at the end of 2024, beginning of 2025. Again, do you need to make any changes to your business? Perhaps maybe you're face to face and you need to pull that back? The idea here is to start thinking about well, what are your long term plans personally? And do any tweaks need to happen in your business to support that? Your business model essentially is about how you're delivering your services. What sort of operational model do you have? And how do those things, bolster up what you're looking to achieve in your personal life, as well as obviously your revenue and success inside your business. But in this context, we're speaking more about your personal goals and vision.


So this third step is to bring that back even further into the next 12 months. So chances are By now you've probably started setting goals and maybe even making a plan for the year ahead. But my question to you is, does that plan Do those goals account for the things that you want to achieve this coming year? Now, it could be that you're thinking, Okay, I want to travel for three months, or I want to travel for four months. If you've set a very aggressive revenue target, and you haven't set up your business model to support that, and to be able to take a three to four month break out of your business, is that a realistic goal for you to achieve? If it's not realistic? What do you need to do to make that realistic? Do you need to adjust the goal? Or do you need to adjust the plan? Again, perhaps maybe this is the year that you're starting a family? What does that look like? Maybe you're planning an interstate move? Okay, if that's the case, there's going to be a whole lot of organization that's going to be required in and around that move. That may mean that you don't have as many hours in your work week to apply to your business, perhaps you're going to be like I was last year and do a renovation, again, will that have any impact on your business? Maybe it will, maybe it won't only? You know the answer to that.


So thinking about some of the big things that you would like out of your life this year and do you need to make any changes in your business to support that I mentioned in an episode last year, I think it was the 'Why' episode, were setting revenue goals that have a meaning behind it. So let's say you have something bigger happening in the future year, this year might be a year where you're really going after bigger financial revenue goals. So that that accounts for what you're looking to achieve personally in the following year. So this process is simply about looking at overall the type of life that you want to live. That's the top layer. The next layer down is thinking about some of the big things that you're looking to do and achieve in the next two to five years. And how does your business model support that and the next piece is a much more closer to home view over the next 12 months. So that you can understand what's happening on the personal side over the next 12 months so that you can design your activities to support that.


Boss, I want to remind you that you do get to build your business so that it supports your life goals. But before you can do that, you need to get clear on what it is that you want your life to look like. Not only overall, but also in the near and medium term as well. Your business model can be designed, this is the first step in the process, getting clear on what it is that you actually want your life to be. Boss, I encourage you, you invested your time in listening to today's conversation. The next step is to mark out time in your calendar to do this work. Trust me when you get clear on what it is that you want your life to look like. From there, you can build a plan and a strategy to have a business model that supports you. Thank you so much for listening to today's conversation. 


As always, I look forward to chatting with you next week. Thank you so much for joining me if you enjoyed today's episode, please consider leaving a review and if you're not already doing so connect with me over on Instagram. My handle is Kristie Robinson underscore consulting and listen up. If you're keen to learn more about how I can support you to run your business like a boss, check out the website Thanks again and I look forward to chatting with you next time.

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About your host, Kristy

Hi, I'm Kristy, thank you for tuning in to the Run Your Business Like a Boss Podcast. My purpose for the podcast is to help Business Owner’s in the growth stage of business (messy middle) have a sustainable business, they love.


I’m an online business coach, based in Brisbane, Australia. I provide 1:1 business coaching, to Service Based Online Business Owner's and a group coaching program commencing in 2022. I believe whole heartedly that having a Business Coach is what gives you the competitive edge. As your coach I support you to overcome challenges quickly, uncover blindspots and make business decisions with confidence and clarity. All of which keeps you moving forward and maintaining momentum. 

As your Business Coach, my role is to help you organise and formulate your ideas, turn them into a goal and then into an actionable plan! All while meeting you where you're at and providing you relevant tools and support along the way.


Thank you for tuning in to the Run Your Business Like A Boss podcast!


I would like to acknowledge the First Nations and Traditional Owners of the land in which I work and live of Killindarbin. 

I pay respects to the people of the Turrbal nation, Elders past, present and emerging. I celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.


©2024 by Kristy Robinson Consulting      Business Coach Brisbane, Australia

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