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Writer's pictureKristy Robinson

Updated, How to make a vision board

Learn how to make a vision board can be a fantastic tool for planning the future of your business.

Tis the season to be planning!!

The new year is right around the corner and planning seems to be the #1 thing on everybody’s mind right now.

One of the things I love to do as part of my goal setting and planning process, is to create a vision board. Now, I get it – this isn’t a traditional planning tool. However, creating a vision board is a great way to get clear and prepare for what you want in the next chapter.

A few weeks ago on my Instagram stories, I asked my audience if they would like me to share more information on creating a vision board. And the response was an overwhelming Y-E-S.

So, here we are…

Before I dive into the steps on how to make a vision board, let me start by sharing a little bit about vision boarding.


A vision board (or dream board as it’s also known) is a visual representation of your hopes, dreams, desires and goals. It doesn’t need to be aesthetically cohesive like a mood board. But it does need to inspire you and evoke feelings of what it will feel like once you have received the things on it.


I created my first vision board in 2014 and have had one on the go ever since. I love looking over past boards to see how much has come to fruition (most things).

Creating a vision board is not about just sticking some pretty pictures on a board and wishing for it to come true. Instead, a vision board is a tool to help cement your big dreams and desires in your soul. Then over the course of the year, through consistent reflection and visualisation you can take intentional action toward achieving what’s on your board.

Here’s an example – when looking at your board you are thinking about and visualising receiving your dream income. You are also feeling the feelings that come with achieving your dream income and, therefore, you are more likely to take action toward achieving it.

It's important to recognise that it’s the feeling of achieving your goal that really supercharges things for you. Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not is irrelevant. The truth is when you add feeling, you invariably will have greater goal engagement. Therefore, you're more likely to see opportunities and take the necessary steps toward achieving it.

Let’s look at how to make a vision board.


Step 1: Identify your dreams, goals and desires

You want your vision board to be a reflection of what you want. So, the first step when making your vision board, take time to get clear on your dreams, goals and desires before sourcing images for your board.

Here are some things to consider (though there are many more).

What would you like to achieve in your business?

Do you have financial aspirations?

What would you like for your family?

What kind of relationship do you want with your spouse (current or future)?

Do you have any health and/or wellness goals?

How do you wish to spend your free time?

What would you like to have (house, car, dream holiday, pet, office etc)?

What do you want for the world around you?

The important thing here is to let your imagination run wild! The idea is to GO BIG on your dreams. Don’t let your frontal lobe (logical part of your brain) keep you in the safe zone.

Step 2: Get supplies

You can do your vision board on paper, cork-board or poster board. In the past I have used poster board (from office works) that is thick enough to lean against the wall as I like to keep mine on my desk. I then used images off the internet, printed them out and glued them to the board.

This year however, I have moved to 100% digital and created my vision board on Canva. I simply found a template I liked, then adapted it. I have two canva vision boards (same images but different sizes, one is for my desktop screensaver, the other one is to print out to stick on my wall.

Step 3: Find images to reflect your desires

When creating a physical Vision Board I used to print source my images from the internet and print them off. That way I am wasn't limited to what I see in a magazine. I find images that look beautiful and speak to me.

This year I used a combination of actual photos and stock photos to reflect my goals and dreams.

You can also use quotes and inspirational words.

Find images that reflect your goals and what you passionately want to achieve – not just what looks pretty with ‘no meaning’. A vision board is different to a mood board. And how you create a vision board is different to how you create a mood board.

NOTE: Make sure you select images that inspire you and can help you visualise achieving your goals.

Step 4: Get creating

Once you have selected all your images arrange them on the vision board (before you paste them down if you're creating a physical board, or play around with them on the screen if doing on canva). I tend to batch them into themes – family, health, house, personal, financial and business.

I like to put on some music and infuse essential oils while I do this. It's important to feel focused, positive and happy. Making a vision board shouldn’t feel like a chore.

There are no rules when it comes to the look of your vision board. Trust your instincts.

Step 5: Keep it where you can see it

There’s no point in making a vision board only to lock it away and never look at it again. You want to keep the inspiration alive. I keep mine on my desk so I look at it every day when working. But you could keep yours in your bedroom, bathroom, office – wherever you feel comfortable, so long as you look at it regularly.


There is no one right way to create a vision board. I have simply outlined how I do it now and have done it in the past. As mentioned above, I find creating a vision board a lovely way of bringing my goals to life. Having a vision board is extremely powerful for keeping you focused on what your heart desires!

Good luck and please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or you would like to share your own experience of creating vision boards.


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